The Inner Reach Health Information Gathering System (HiGS)

HiGS is comprised of five specialized fact-gathering systems or engines. Each of these engines is designed to gather information in a particular way.

The five fact-finding engines are:

  • Histories
  • Health Risk Assessments (HRAs)
  • Signs & Symptoms Tracker
  • Daily "Trackers" (i.e., pain, smoking cessation, alcohol drinking, menopause, food journal, and exercise.)
  • HiGS Features (i.e., Fitbit™,and  iHealth®)

HiGS brings it all together with the Health Biography.

Fact Finding Engines:

  1. 60 e-Health Histories
    Starting with Lifestyles and Habits and family members’ diseases, HiGS users can gather facts that pertain to them, which are specific and relevant to their risks.
  2. 180+ HRAs
    HiGS is vast and so are its data gathering capabilities.  Users can self-test in all areas that impact their health—physiological, psychological, sociological, nutritional,medical,  environmental, and occupational.  Self-knowledge is power.
  3. Signs & Symptoms Tracker
    In 9 Body Systems per gender, the HiGS Signs & Symptoms Tracker monitors users’ concerns and progress for every 24 hour period they are collected.  For instance, you can monitor these when you are ill or when you are taking medications to keep track of any side effects you might be experiencing.  You can use this Tracker to establish your baselines (what is usual for you) and then to track your illnesses, setbacks or progress, or before you start a new medication to get a baseline to see how your body likes a drug or not (drug side effects).  The S&S Tracker can also be used to compare data later to plot changes and to improve health and well-being.
  4. Daily Trackers
    The HiGS Trackers track users’ concerns and progress collected daily for specific problems such as fitness tracking, health behaviors tracking, cigarette smoking cessation, alcohol drinking monitoring, menopause, food journal, and pain etc.
  5. Fitbit™, iHealth® Features
    All your authorized Fitbit and iHealth device-related information is included in your HiGS Health Biography, when you want that data added. 
E-Health Histories
Health Risk Assessments
Signs & Symptoms

HiGS Health Biography
The information gathered through Histories, HRAs, Signs & Symptoms Tracker, Monitoring Calendars, and Device Features are first steps toward better health. The Health Biography (HB) enables HiGS users to bring their results together into a single document.

The Health Biography report includes only the information you want in it. It does not have to include every History, HRAs, Symptom, Calendar, or Device Feature. This facilitates your sharing only relevant information with your healthcare provider and others. The Health Biography is a report that can be reviewed by you, and if you choose, by your physicians and others when planning and managing your healthcare.

Health Education Modules
HiGS also contains 120+ Health Education Videos and other Health Education Modules for all types of preventive care with particular emphasis on primary prevention. The types of prevention include 1) Primary Prevention (consumer initiated), 2) Secondary Prevention (early detection of disease that is already present), 3) Tertiary Prevention (for monitoring status; support services), and 4) Quaternary (iatrogenicity; medical errors).  HiGS facilitates all these types of prevention.

Related White Papers in PDF

  White Paper The Typical Prevention Pitch

  White Paper Preventive Care Levels: HiGS Online Preventive Care Tool versus Medical Mechanisms