Inner Reach customer satisfaction is paramount in our thinking and actions. Pivotal to our success is our ability to place consumers in the center of their own health process through a prevention focused system called HiGS.

Product Integrity

Inner Reach strives to make everything we do better, ensuring we present the best possible products and outcomes for healthcare consumers. Integrating various technologies and software, one of our many goals is to provide as flawless of a performance and experience as possible through each step of the way. Our histories, assessments, body systems and trackers are ‘jam packed’, providing opportunities for our HiGS users to capture as much well-thought-out information as possible from various disciplines such as Western/Integrative medical/nursing criteria and DSM-V psychiatric criteria. Rounding out our products is the thread of traditional/ancient ways of healing for balance and good measure. These traditional ways offer an extra dimension to HiGS users who are seeking these kinds of approaches to offset what typical medical delivery leaves out or fails.


HiGS blends various aspects of health like a patchwork quilt heirloom meant to be passed down through the generations to other family members. The Inner Reach HiGS e-health product provides the opportunity for people to finally have a place in the mechanisms of health, healthcare, and its delivery. When providing e-health, performance is connected to numerous factors that have to be foremost in our minds, so we strive for quality in content and delivery.


Often forgotten by companies is future planning and vision of both complex and simple ideas. Finding ways for both these elements to merge is important to success. We took a complex system called healthcare and looked for common sense solutions to its convoluted chaotic problems. That simple idea turned out to be HiGS, focusing on the consumer and health preservation instead of the usual complicated mechanisms of health delivery and disease. Inner Reach will always remember the most important part of the health process—the consumer. Having a meaningful place for the consumer within healthcare is our vision.

Goal - The Consumer First

The Inner Reach patented Health Information Gathering System - HiGS is the first and the only Consumer–Authenticated Information System in the world today.  Our health psychology preventive care technology model considers the total person in mind-body-balance and all aspects of a person’s vitality and well-being. .Since healthcare is for the consumer, what is needed is a centralized self-actualized place for the consumer within the healthcare mechanisms and delivery systems.  HiGS places the consumer in that centralized place and places the consumer first.